Legal information
SARL Neoulous
SIRET: 822 025 730 00018
NAF code: Hôtels et hébergement similaire ( 5510Z )
Registered offices: Impasse Las Claperes - Route de Céret - 66160 Le Boulou - France
Publication director:
Kahina Oubennour
SAS, with a share capital of 10 174 560,00 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
APE Code: 6202A
Registered offices: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France
Design / Development
4 rue Emile Loubet – 66280 Saleilles – France
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The contents of web site pages are copyright of SARL NEOULOUS and shall be used in accordance with the provisions set forth in this notice and the national and international laws on intellectual property rights. The non authorised use may infringe the law. In particular, part or all of the contents of Asobo Studio web site pages cannot be copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without prior written permission by SARL NEOULOUS. The copy or printing of abstracts from the web site is allowed for personal use only.
General facts
To the extent that any provision of these General Terms and Conditions of Use would lose its validity or if the latter should contain a lacuna, the provision in question would be replaced by the one which would most closely approximate it from the point of view of interpretation legal. You are not satisfied with all or part of this site, its newsletter or its space of expression, or if you disagree with these Terms of Use, your only recourse is to stop using the Site.
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These General Conditions of Use are governed and interpreted in accordance with French law.
If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions or if you have any questions or comments about the Site, please contact us.